Le cœur de "Metroland" : Railway 200 à la bibliothèque de Rickmansworth


Celebrating Railway 200 and marking May ‘Local History Month’, Rickmansworth Library will be hosting a range of railway-related events for all ages:

• Rails Around Rickmansworth: The different fortunes of the Ebury and Metropolitan Railways: – A month-long exhibition on the history of our local railways (Metropolitan/Great Central, Metroland, Watford-Rickmansworth branch).

• 8th May The ‘Metro-Land’ Line: Rickmansworth and the Metropolitan Railway: – A guided walk along part of the Metropolitan Line, revealing its local and wider history and impacts. (Places limited – tickets to be released)

• 15th May Rickmansworth’s Other Railway – A Historical Walk: – A guided tour of part of the Ebury Way, revealing the history behind the Watford-Rickmansworth Branch and its local railway links. (Places limited – tickets to be released)

• 23rd May Three Rivers Museum Archive Afternoon: – Three Rivers Museum will be joining Rickmansworth Library presenting a pop-up display of railway-related treasures from their collection.

• 27th May Trains To Storytime: – A special children’s morning of railway stories and craft activities.

• 29th May Railways Round The Chilterns: A Historical Journey: – An evening talk with author Rudi Newman, presenting a round journey across Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire discovering the history of some of their railways, plus a few stories of life on the line. (Places limited – tickets to be released)

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