De Penistone Line - Fotowedstrijd Viaducten


Celebrate Railway 200 by participating in our Viaducts Photography Competition. Free to enter and open to everyone.

Penistone Line Partnership is the Community Rail organisation for the Penistone Line which runs from Huddersfield to Sheffield via Barnsley.

This is your opportunity to explore the Penistone Line and photograph our engineering marvels. Our Kirklees stations in West Yorkshire celebrate their 175th anniversary in 2025. Our 10 viaducts can be found in urban and rural settings in West and South Yorkshire.

We have teamed up with Scenic Rail Britain to showcase winning entries on their website, and Northern will provide winners with a Double Royal colour poster print. The photographic competition is open now until 16 May. See the full details, terms and conditions.

Good Luck, and enjoy our scenic line and surrounding areas!

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