Share details of your activity or event चरण 1 का 10 10% Are you hosting an activity or event connected with the रेलवे 200 anniversary? If so, you can promote it on this site, on an interactive map. You can share details of your activity or event using this form. We review each entry before publication to ensure it is consistent with our moderation rules and the goals of the रेलवे 200 campaign. Please note, we are inviting contributions of specific activities and content relating to the anniversary celebrations, rather than general rail activities. If you have any questions about the map or this website, please email us at What is your contact email address?(आवश्यक)This won't be published, it is for our use in case we need to contact you about your entry. What kind of activity or event are you organising?Note that the Railway 200 map is specifically for activities with a connection to the anniversary, so please ensure that ongoing activities you contribute have a link to Railway 200. An ongoing activity or service you already operate (e.g. a heritage railway) Special event or activity specifically to celebrate this railway anniversary Online-only activity What is the location for the activity or event?For the event to appear on our map, please provide a full address including postcode (if UK-based). If your event covers a wider area, enter the address for a central location here and ensure you include the area covered in the next step - the event description. गली का पता शहर County/Nation Postcode अमेरिकन समोआगुआमउत्तरी मरीयाना द्वीप समूहप्यूर्टो रिकोअफ़ग़ानिस्तानऑलैंड द्वीप समूहअल्बानियाएलजीरियाअंडोराअंगोलाएंगुइल्लाअंटार्कटिकाएंटीगुआ और बारबुडाअर्जेंटीनाअर्मेनिआअरूबाऑस्ट्रेलियाऑस्ट्रियाआज़रबाइजानबहामासबहरीनबांग्लादेशबारबाडोसबेलोरूसबेल्जियमबेलीजबेनिनबरमूडाभूटानबोलीवियाबोनेयर, सिंट यूस्टैटियस और सबाबोस्निया और हर्जेगोविनाबोत्सवानाबौवेट द्वीप समूहब्राज़िलब्रिटेन और भारतीय समुद्री क्षेत्रब्रुनेई दारुस्सलामबुल्गारियाबुर्किना फासोबुरुंडीकेप वर्डकंबोडियाकैमरूनकनाडाकेमैन द्वीपसमूहकेंद्रीय अफ्रीकन गणराज्यचाडचिलीचीनक्रिसमस द्वीपसमूहकोकोस द्वीपसमूहकोलम्बियाकोमोरोसकांगो, का लोकतांत्रिक गणराज्यकांगोकुक द्वीपसमूहकोस्टा रिकाकोट डिलवोइरक्रोएशियाक्यूबाकुराकाओसाइप्रसचेकियाडेनमार्कजिबूतीडॉमिनिकाडोमिनिकन गणराज्यइक्वेडोरमिस्रअल सल्वाडोरइक्वेटोरियल गिनीइरिट्रियाएस्तोनियाएसवातिनिइथियोपियाफ़ॉकलैंड द्वीप समूहफ़ैरो द्वीप समूहफ़िजीफिनलैंडफ्रांसफ्रेंच गयानाफ्रेंच पॉलीनेशियादक्षिणी फ्राँसिसी क्षेत्रगैबॉनगैम्बियाजॉर्जियाजर्मनीघानाजिब्राल्टरग्रीसGreenlandग्रेनेडाग्वाडेलोपग्वाटेमालाग्वेर्नसेगिनीगिनी-बिसाऊगुयानाहैतीहर्ड आइलैंड और मैकडॉनल्ड आइलैंड्सहोली सीहोंडुरसहोंग कोंगहंगरीआइसलैंडभारतइंडोनेशियाईरानइराकआयरलैंडमैन द्वीपइजराइलइटलीजमैकाजापानजर्सीजॉर्डनकजाखस्तानकेन्याकिरिबातीकोरिया प्रजातात्रिक जनवादी गणतंत्रकोरिया गणतंत्रकुवैतकिर्गिज़स्तानलाओ पीपुल्स डेमोक्रेटिक रिपब्लिकलातवियालेबनानलेसोथोलाइबेरियालीबियालिकटेंस्टीनलिथुआनियालक्समबर्गमकाओमेडागास्करमलावीमलेशियामालदीवमालीमाल्टामार्शल द्वीप समूहमार्टीनिकमॉरिटानियामॉरीशसमयोटेमेक्सिकोमाइक्रोनेशियामाल्डोवामोनाकोमंगोलियामोंटेनेग्रोमोंटेसेराटमोरक्कोमोजाम्बिकम्यांमारनामीबियानॉरूनेपालनीदरलैंडन्यू कैलेडोनियान्यूजीलैंडनिकारागुआनाइजरनाइजीरियानियूनॉरफ़ॉक द्वीपउत्तर मैसेडोनियानॉर्वेओमानपाकिस्तानपलाऊफिलिस्तीन, राज्यपनामापापुआ न्यू गिनीपरागुआपेरूफिलीपींसपिटकेर्नपोलैंडपुर्तगालकतररीयूनियनरोमानियारूसी संघरवांडासेंट बार्थेलेमीसेंट हेलेना, असेंशन और ट्रिस्टन दा कुन्हासैंट किट्ट्स और नेविससेंट लूसियासैंट मार्टिनसेंट पियरे और मिकेलॉनसैंट विंसेंट और द ग्रेनडीनेससामोआसैन मैरिनोसाओ टोमे और प्रिंसिपेसऊदी अरबसेनेगलसर्बियासेशेल्ससिएरा लियोनसिंगापुरसिंट मार्टेनस्लोवाकियास्लोवेनियासोलोमन द्वीप समूहसोमालियादक्षिण अफ्रीकादक्षिण जॉर्जिया और दक्षिण सैंडविच द्वीप समूहदक्षिण सूडानस्पेनश्रीलंकासूडानसूरीनामस्वालबार्ड और जान मायेनस्वीडनस्विट्जरलैंडसीरिया अरब गणराज्यताइवानताजीकिस्तानतंजानिया, संयुक्त गणराज्यथाईलैंडतिमोर-लेस्तटोगोतोकेलौटोंगात्रिनिदाद और टोबैगोतुनिशियाटर्कीतुर्कमेनिस्तानतुर्क्स और कैकोज़ द्वीपसमूहतुवालुयुगांडायूक्रेनसंयुक्त अरब अमीरातयूनाइटेड किंगडमउरुग्वेयूएस माइनर आउटलाइंग द्वीप समूहउज़्बेकिस्तानवानुअतुवेनेजुएलावियतनामवर्जिन द्वीप समूह, ब्रिटिश वर्जिन द्वीप समूह, यू.एस.वैलिस और फ्यूटूनापश्चिमी सहारायमनज़ाम्बियाजिम्बाब्वेसंयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका देश What is the title of the activity or event?(आवश्यक)This will be shown on the रेलवे 200 map as the title for your entry Briefly describe what your activity will involve (and what your organisation does, if applicable)(आवश्यक)Help people understand what to expect if they take part in your activity or event, and who it is aimed at. Make sure it is clear from this description what the link is to Railway 200, or your contribution may not be approved. Max 2000 characters. Which of the following apply to the activity or event you are organising?(आवश्यक)Choose as many as apply to the activity or event. This will be used to help visitors filter the most relevant activities or events for them. रेलवे का इतिहास या विरासत रेल में करियर स्कूल/कॉलेज सहभागिता परिवार-केंद्रित अनुभव या गतिविधि Special offer, product or discount you are offering to celebrate this railway anniversary Something else What type of organisation is arranging/hosting this activity or event?(आवश्यक) Heritage railway, museum or gallery Other charity, voluntary or community group School or educational organisation Business Individual Other organisation Organisation nameIf this activity or event is being organised by an organisation (optional).Organisation logoIf your organisation has a logo, please upload it here, and we'll display it alongside your listing (optional). JPEG, GIF or PNG format only.स्वीकृत फ़ाइल प्रकार: jpg, jpeg, png, gif। What is the start date of your activity or event?If the event is for a limited period only, enter the first date people can access it here. Please enter a date in form day/month/year.What is the end date of your activity or event?If the event is for a limited period only, enter the last date people can access it here. Please enter a date in form day/month/year. Is your activity or event open to the public to attend?(आवश्यक)You can tell us about activities or events which are not open to the public. We will not publish these on the map, but we may include them in aggregated statistics about the रेलवे 200 celebrations. Open to the public - no booking required Open to the public - booking/ticket required Closed/private event How can people find out more about your activity or event?(आवश्यक)Where possible, share a specific website address. If there is no website where people can find out more, give an email address or phone number. Privacy Consent(आवश्यक)I agree that you may publish the activity or event information I have provided above on this website and that Railway 200/Great British Railways Transition Team may use my details to contact me about my activity or event by email I agree Media ConsentI consent to my contact details being shared with external media organisations, for the purpose of potentially featuring content about my organisation hosting an activity or event related to the रेलवे 200 anniversary I agree Stay up to date with the campaign?As the रेलवे 200 campaign gathers momentum, our email updates are the best method to keep up to date with new opportunities to be involved. I would like to receive email updates about the Railway 200 campaign Any personal information submitted using this form will not be published to the website. For further information on how your personal data will be used, please refer to our Privacy Policy (opens in new tab). Check your answers Click 'previous' if you need to make changes. {all_fields}