Hoe de spoorweg New Milton creëerde (geschiedenislezing) en onthulling van de maquette van New Milton Station


To celebrate Railway 200, The Friends of New Milton Station are delighted to present a talk by local historian Nick Saunders, ‘How the Railway Created New Milton’ followed by the unveiling of a model of New Milton Station.

Nick’s talk will be an engaging and informative talk on the building of New Milton Station in 1886 in what was then countryside and how the town has grown up around it. Without the railway, there would be no New Milton.

The talk will be followed by the unveiling of a model railway in 00 gauge set between 1930 and 1950. This is being created by the South Coast Model Railway Club.

The event is being held at the Forest Arts Centre and tickets are £5.50 each with proceeds to Friends of New Milton Station. Tickets are available online.

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